
this month
Attendance is required by state licensing regulations. Sign-in and Sign-out your child using the attendance form during arrival and dismissal everyday.
It is imperative and required by state licensing regulations that your child attend school. If your child will be absent or is absent from school, please ensure to kindly fill out an absence form for your child’s absence.
For all late arrivals, remember to call the school office on 240-744-0400 to enable a Prime staff member to attend to your child. Please avoid ringing the bell to prevent disrupting classes already in progress.
Endeavor to pick up your child on your contractual time to avoid the late fees that will be assessed for your late arrival. It is required that you fill out a Late Pick-Up Fee Form on your late arrival.
For outdoor safety, secure and properly fitted closed-toe shoes are required. Please endeavor to provide shoes like sneakers or tennis shoes for your child. No, crocs will not do as they can easily slip off your child's feet, leading to avoidable injuries on the playground.
Jackets are required. Bring a jacket with your child to school every day, or your child can leave it in his/her cubby. Temperatures are getting low. Your child could catch a cold outside on the playground without proper clothing.
If your child has seasonal allergies, a doctor’s note is required on file by state licensing regulations.
Prime has a no cell phone zone applicable to everyone. Parents please refrain from using your cell phone at Prime during pick up and drop off. Teachers have very limited times to communicate with you, so please be available to chat with them about your child’s day.
To validate your submitted online forms, remember to fill in your four digit parent code. Prime cannot accept or approve your submitted online form requests without your parent code.
To keep your child hydrated, bring a water bottle with your child to school every day. We are unable to provide water bottles for children, but Prime provides water for all children daily.
Children will not be admitted after 10:00am without a doctor’s note. Also, Prime is unable to admit a child during naptime between 1:15 pm and 3:15 pm. We highly recommend parents schedule doctor’s appointments during the early morning hours to avoid disruptions to children’s classes and naptime already in progress.
Children may not return to Prime after receiving shots. If a child was administered shots during the doctor’s visit, the child may not return to school due to complications from the shots and fever symptoms associated with the medicine that often makes the child irritable.
Prime requires that families not send in food/snacks containing peanuts or peanut by-products for the safety of children who are severely allergic. These children may experience life-threatening anaphylactic reactions to peanuts or peanut by-products. Please be sure to check labels and ingredients. Please respect these sensitivities when supplying snacks.
Non-prescription, “over-the-counter” medications of any kind (which include but are not limited to fever reducers, pain medications, cough syrup or drops) cannot be taken at school unless accompanied by a Medication Authorization Form signed by the child’s physician. The medication (unopened and in the original container) and the Medication Authorization Form, as described above, should be given to the school office staff member by an adult.
While we understand occasional tardiness or lateness can happen, consistent tardiness or lateness may disrupt your child’s learning experience. In the final years of Primary and at the Elementary level, many Montessori lessons are given in small groups, even if a child is tardy or late. Lessons can be long and complex, and it is not possible to present the new concept or skill with the same level of detail to a child who has missed the beginning or initial presentation. Please plan to arrive to school early with your child.