Thank You, Welcome, and Congratulations.

Thank You

Thank you very much for taking an interest in Prime Foundation Montessori, ten years ago, our vision was to develop a school that would provide students with a personalized and rigorous academic experience, a strong sense of community, a focus on the balanced development of mind and body, fully devoted to the Montessori philosophy. Through these years, and with a unique and innovative curricular emphasis on Montessori pedagogy, these values, global and environmental leadership still endure in our school.

prime attracts a remarkably strong student population. As a school, our emphasis on self-discovery, educational excellence and community are perhaps our greatest strength, and we are deeply proud of the way that we value each child for their diverse skills, talents, and background. Students learn quickly that, with small classes and a relentlessly authentic, personalized experience, the opportunities for leadership, service, artistic expression and intellectual inquiry to activate staggering accomplishments are inexhaustible.

Montessori School

Welcome to our website. I hope the information that you find here piques your interest, and that you soon find yourself at Prime Foundation Montessori in person, seeing the amazing things that happen in our classrooms. Only visiting our school can give you a true glimpse of the potential it holds for your child. I hope to welcome you at our school as you begin to understand what Prime can do not only for your child, but for your whole family.                                                         

Each day, our goal is to provoke each child’s inherent love of learning and innate intelligence. Our classroom culture reflects an inquiry-based approach that incorporates adhering to rigorous Montessori standards, informed by current thinking and research on child development and learning. Guided by a committed, caring, knowledgeable, and talented faculty, each student is challenged to develop their unique intellectual “voice,” and we seek to bring out the best in every student while helping each child with the task of inner construction as they develop their personality in an integral manner. Students also develop significant scientific adroitness at Prime, and they graduate well-prepared to use research as a tool for learning, exploration, description, explanation, and application. 

Prime’s environment is also characterized by a culture of high expectations, and we believe that learning to be a good person is as important as learning to be a good student. Our school’s values are embedded within the timeless values of family, integrity, courtesy, respect, and a reverence for the natural world. Thus, when we talk with our students about moral and ethical development, we don’t focus on rule-based language, but instead the language of values.

Every year, our students recommit themselves to our responsibilities of the community and our commitment to diversity. In turn, they respond by treating one another with a high degree of respect, tolerance, and kindness. When our graduates enter the world beyond Prime Foundation Montessori they are ready to succeed and thrive! 


Montessori School


Conratulations on taking this first step. Choosing an educational program for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. You should feel in harmony with a school’s ambience and practice. Trust your eyes, ears, instinct, and personal experience. A school does not only admit students; rather, schools admit families. I remember finding Montessori education when I was a new mother. I can tell you that I am a different mother than I would have been and my family is a different family because of how Montessori education affected us, and I am grateful for its influence on each of us every day.

Montessori education is founded upon self-directed, experiential, and project-based learning in multi-age classrooms where children lead from both the front and from the middle. Prime Foundation Montessori provides a nurturing environment in which strong social-emotional skills seamlessly develop in tandem with rigorous academics. While these building blocks have become more and more popular to talk about as conventional schools scramble to meet the needs of the future, our system has a century's experience and evidence backing its approach due to Montessori's insight and foresight.

Please, give us a call. Send us an email. Join us for a tour or an open house. We are eager to help you discover and unlock the extraordinary potential intrinsic in your child while getting your child to the summit of his educational journey through Prime’s unique community and our commitment to inspiring excellence.

With Appreciation,

Osato Ojofeitimi, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Ed.

Administrative Head.