COVID-19 Safety Procedures
At Prime Foundation Montessori, health and safety are a top priority. Our guidelines and practices are informed by CDC and Maryland guidelines, and local Covid-19 data.
All Past and Present Prime families can willingly attest to the fact that Prime Foundation Montessori has kept every child in its care safe at the crucial times through the COVID-19 Pandemic and as we continually navigate through prevention and treatment for COVID-19 as it remains a public health priority, by providing a high level of safety for in-person learning through our topnotch enhanced health and safety measures/mitigations that have proven to be extremely highly effective for the last 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023 school year and the current 2023/2024 school year. Prime Foundation Montessori can categorically state that since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2019, no child has contracted the COVID-19 virus under Prime Foundation Montessori’s care and till date.
We know that outcomes are improving, COVID-19 is still a public health threat and CDC continues to recommend using tools in the respiratory virus prevention tool kit that we know reduce the risk of severe disease. To that note, Prime is still determined to keep every child in its care, staff and families safe this upcoming 2024/2025 school year. Prime Foundation Montessori cannot emphasize enough that the safety of all children, staff and families are of utmost significance and the reason why we exist.
prime Foundation montessori’s policies adjust as the Covid-19 landscape changes.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Covid-19 vaccination requirement will remain in place. Currently, we implement the following health and safety practices below:
health and safety is a top priority
Attendance / Sick Policy
Before the start of each school day or summer program day, students’ temperatures are taken. Any student experiencing Covid-19 symptoms must stay at home. Prior to returning to the classroom, Covid-19 testing will be required of students with any Covid-19 symptoms.
Testing and Periodic Screening
Students and household members must show proof of a well-timed negative Covid-19 test before participating in any in-person instruction. All students and families will be required to answer screening questions related to Covid-19 before they can begin the school year or summer programs. Screening will also be required periodically throughout the school year.
HEPA Filtration and Air Circulation
All classrooms have windows that allow for fresh air currents to circulate air in the classrooms when weather permits. In addition, each classroom has its own HEPA filtration units.
Vaccination Policy
All students and staff must stay up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. Families may request a medical exemption signed by a medical practitioner.
Handwashing & Hand Sanitation
Hand sanitizers are accessible in each classroom. Students partake handwashing sessions throughout the school day.
Daily cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces will be performed throughout the day. We have our classrooms deep-cleaned after each session (Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring).
Outdoor Time
When weather permits, snacks and lunch may be eaten outdoors. School year and summer programs also include outdoor times on school grounds or walks to local parks.
Mask Optional
Masks are optional at this time. We ensure that staff and student choices are respected and that all feel
All smaller sized Montessori materials that cannot be cleaned/disinfected with liquid disinfectants will be sterilized using a UV Sterilizer and Dryer after each use.

A Holistic Approach to Keeping Your Family Healthy
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet – avoid processed foods, increase your fiber intake, and add a variety of colors to your plate in the forms of fruits, vegetables and herbs!
Exercise regularly – at least 30 minutes a day
Get plenty of sleep – creating a sleep schedule can be extremely beneficial
Practice deep breathing, stretching, and meditation
Make time to unwind – participate in activities that you enjoy when you can
Connect with others – in a safe environment with the proper precautions in place, or online/phone/text
There are a number of great vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your immune system and keep it functioning at its best through food and supplementation. Here are some recommendations from Dr. Chris D’Amato, Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Vitamin C – citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes
May help prevent bacterial, viral, or other infections.
Vitamin D – sunlight, fatty fish
One of the most important immune system-strengthening nutrients. It can reduce the risk of colds and flu and should be taken on a regular basis, and is another reason why getting outside and exercising is important!
Vitamin A – leafy green vegetables, orange and yellow vegetables, tomatoes, fruits
Supports the body’s ability to fight infections (especially respiratory).
Zinc – oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains
Helps reduce the number of infections and the duration of the common cold if taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.
Selenium – brazil nuts, seafood, cereals and other grains, dairy products, organ meats
An antioxidant essential to immune function and helps strengthens the body’s defenses against bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.
Probiotics – yogurt, natural yeast, fermented foods (not overly processed)
“Good bacteria” that both support gut health and influence the function and regulation of the immune system. They can also decrease the number of respiratory infections.
Raw Honey
An antioxidant that’s also good at relieving minor pain and inflammation of the nose and throat, which can be combined with tea or hot water and lemon to soothe coughs or sore throats.
May reduce the severity of upper viral respiratory infections.
connect with us
The admissions inquiry form helps us get to know you and connect you with our team at Prime Foundation Montessori. Once submitted, a member of our admissions team will get in touch via phone to answer all questions you may have and guide you through the admissions process.