MISSION, VISION and values
Prime Foundation Montessori’s mission is to offer a rich, intellectually challenging, highly personalized, and nurturing educational experience that inspires children to be independent critical thinkers, joyfully engaged and self-motivated confident learners while empowering individuals to expand their intellectual abilities and develop their creative talents.
Our Prime vision is to foster a lifelong enthusiasm for learning, to educate ethically and environmentally minded scholars, impactful citizens, and leaders for our globalized society, honor integrity, and challenge children to reach their full potential so they may flourish while discovering their passions to make a positive impact in a diverse and rapidly changing world.
This will be accomplished by:
Providing a rich intellectual experience and curriculum that adheres to rigorous Montessori standards and pedagogy and engages various learning styles: auditory and musical learners, visual and spatial learners, verbal learners, logical and mathematical learners, physical or kinesthetic learners, social and interpersonal learners, solitary and intrapersonal learners—that is informed by current thinking and research on child developmental planes, methodology, abilities, and social maturity.
Through meaningful activities or purposeful work, we will trigger and nurture each child’s development of concentration, motivation, persistence, emotional and functional independence, eye-hand and mind-body coordination, control and synchronizing of movement. Also, refinement of the senses, order and classification skills, laying a foundation for intellect, abstraction via concrete manipulation, mathematical mind, proper language and literacy skills as well as self-discipline, grace and courtesy, adaptation to culture and appreciation of beauty. Within this framework of order, we will guide and promote each child to progress at their own pace and rhythm, according to their individual capabilities, during these crucial years of their development.
Fostering a lifelong love of learning;
Valuing a healthy balance between mind and body;
A student-centered community that embraces diversity for students to experience and learn to acknowledge, celebrate and respect ethnic, racial, cultural, academic, religious, economic and other differences and to seek and identify common ground.
Recognizing that personal values, such as honesty and honoring integrity, trustworthiness and fostering reliability, fairness, citizenship, promoting intellectual curiosity, respect shown to others as a reflection of respect for self, care by feeling concern and empathy for others and responsibility toward others and the earth, work together to act as a filter and help people discern right from wrong and they comprise the foundation of character and influence ethical decision making, and promote personal growth.
Facilitating the involvement of, and creating communicative partnerships among students, staff, families and the larger community.
Prime Foundation Montessori students are encouraged to participate in challenging academic opportunities and extracurriculars. With acceptance into, higher grades than their supposed age grade levels, Centers for Enriched and Gifted Studies, Highly Gifted Schools, Magnet Schools and other leading independent private and public schools, our students consistently prove their merit inside and outside of school.
Academic excellence is often identified with achieving high grades. At Prime, we don’t see excellence as an event but an ongoing pursuit. In both Montessori and Project Based Learning approaches, active participation is the first step in understanding and mastering more and more complex concepts. So, rather than imposing pressure to cram information and regurgitate facts we use guidance and observatory skills as assessment tools, and we focus on experiences where the process is as important as the outcome. The grasp of concrete knowledge is then a pathway to the development of critical thinking skills like analysis, evaluation, and problem solving. As a result, students can go beyond just finding solutions to the problems put in front of them by developing the skills needed to find the right problems to solve. From there, achievement follows, as do qualities that lead to real-world success—creativity, leadership, teamwork and social and emotional literacy.
Prime Foundation Montessori Students are confident, responsible enthusiastic learners, and compassionate global citizens. They are taught to deliver on promises. Prime students learn to recognize that choices generate consequences. As decision makers, they have the ability to evaluate choices in light of the consequences generated from making those decisions. They imbibe exercising self-control when making decisions and they are not only accountable for the decisions they make and accept blame for any wrongdoing, but also do not take undeserved credit for the accomplishments of others.
Prime students acknowledge, respect and celebrate academic, cultural, and religious difference. They treat others with kindness, politeness, and consideration. They learn to be civil to other people and treat them with courtesy while understanding that It is not being subservient, but involves giving honor due to position, ability, or knowledge shown to others as a reflection of respect for self. They comprehend that if a person does not have self-respect, it is unlikely that he/she will be respectful to others. Respect ingrained in our students prevents them from engaging in hostility, humiliation, exploitation, or abuse of others.
Prime students feel concern and empathy for others. They concern for the welfare of others and responsiveness to perceived needs. They understand that It entails compassion and unselfishness and that caring people feel an obligation to be truthful, trustworthy, just, and courteous to others. Our students are taught to be willing to give their time and talents for the benefit of others, without expecting something in return.
Prime students are taught the importance of one’s integrity. They are educated to show an unwavering adherence to a strict ethical or moral code. They are held to display a quality of being steadfast and possess soundness of character. They understand to not easily being swayed by circumstances. In other words, our students are coached to not make decisions based on convenience.
Prime Foundation Montessori students imbibe that honesty is critical to trustworthiness and that it is the most fundamental ethical value, it involves truthfulness in both behavior and statement. Our students have the ability to display behavior that complies with the rules and not attempting to steal from, cheat, defraud, or trick another person. Prime Students comprehend that honest communication includes truthfulness, sincerity and candor.
At Prime, students recognize that reliability is an important facet of trustworthiness. They learn to keep their commitments. They are taught that when a person makes a promise or commits to do something, this creates an expectation on the part of the recipient and an obligation on the part of the person making the promise. When a person fails to make a reasonable effort to fulfill the commitment, it destroys reliability. Our students exhibit perseverance. They are able to make a determined effort to complete assigned tasks and show refusal to succumb to obstacles or make excuses.
Prime students are nurtured to foster reliability, avoid making excuses, make commitments only after careful consideration, and make sure both parties clearly understand what is being promised.
They are taught that loyalty is an expectation of faithfulness, commitment, and dedication that is prevalent in close relationships. They learn that it is an expectation of undivided concern, support, and encouragement of select individuals, groups, or associations.
Our staff have a duty to impart strong morals while making students understand that at times, a conflict of loyalties may arise when individuals ask others to withhold information that is harmful to others or illegal. Each person must determine the priority of his/her loyalties and weigh the consequences of withholding confidential information. Our Prime students are shown to recognize a greater obligation to their school, home and community.
Prime Foundation Montessori students are made to understand that reliability is an important facet of trustworthiness while trustworthiness is a combination of honesty, integrity and loyalty.
Prime Foundation Montessori students learn to treat others equally. They are educated to be impartial and exercise the same standards of judgment regardless of the parties involved. Prime staff teach students how to examine the facts and evaluate the information. They are able to consider the impact their decisions will have on others before making them.
Prime Foundation Montessori Students thrive in an engaging environment that promotes intellectual curiosity. A well-known and closely followed Montessori phrase is “Follow the Child.” Prime teachers understand that children have an innate sense of wonder and curiosity, and they foster this by allowing the child to follow that curiosity. Students are encouraged to research and learn more, taking as much time as they need, until that curiosity is satisfied. Given the right environment and supporting materials, a socially and emotionally balanced community, teachers who guide rather than mandate, and the freedom to follow their own curiosity, Prime students discover the true joy of learning.
Prime Foundation Montessori School creates communicative partnerships among students, staff and families. Prime staff teach students to submit to the duties and responsibilities of membership in a society or group. Students learn to possess a sense of duty that regulates behavior in relation to the community. They understand and submit to laws, and voluntarily participate in activities that contribute to the welfare of others, such as conservation, recycling, beautifying and cleaning up litter.
At Prime Foundation Montessori, we nurture independence. Our classrooms are thoughtfully designed to meet our students’ developmental needs and support and nurture their natural curiosity for learning. By guiding rather than mandating the learning process, we encourage the natural development of the student’s functional independence, self-direction and self-motivation.
At Prime Foundation Montessori, we inspire empathetic leadership. Our classroom communities provide the perfect setting for students to explore and fulfill their need for social order. They are free to be a follower at some times and a leader at others. Our outstanding curriculum, together with lessons in Etiquette and Decorum , Life Skills as well as “Grace and Courtesy,” give our students the vocabulary and self-awareness to recognize and regulate their feelings, the ability to feel empathy for others, and the strategies and tools for managing conflict. They understand that they have a shared responsibility for the group’s well-being.


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