TOGETHER Changing Communities

"The aim of such an education indicates the desire to contribute to the good of all, to share in this cosmic goodness."                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
                                                  - Maria Montessori.


Service to others is an important part of the Montessori philosophy. As a school, we aim to serve those in our immediate Potomac neighborhood, the District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia (DMV), as well as members of our global community.

Each of the individual classroom communities nurtures an ethic of caring. Some classes, inspired by their students, undertake projects that evolve from particular natural disasters or special interests.

The Community Service Committee of Prime Foundation Montessori and the Prime Program for Families organize charitable efforts throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to get involved and involve their children in these drives and events. We also encourage families to model generosity and to talk with and read to their children about giving to others.

To join the Community Service Committee and volunteer for an event, please complete the Parent Volunteer Interest Form for this 2024-2025 school year below. To learn more about how to get involved, please get in touch with us at or call 240-744-0400 to reach our Community Service Coordinator, Jennifer Daniels.

Parent Volunteer Interest Form for 2024-2025

As the new school year begins, we are excited about this year's events and volunteer opportunities. Help us connect with the Prime community by identifying any volunteer opportunities of interest to you and your family for this 2024–2025 year.

Whatever it is, the way you tREAT others CAN truly make all the difference.